Animated by Don Michael, Jr., with music by Arnel Manago.
THE DOOR TO THE SKY by David Michael
The Door to the Sky – A new speculative fiction novel by David Michael!
Worlds are at war. Dragons attack TV stations and winged gargoyles do battle with steam-powered behemoths. Gaia the Earth Mother and the woman called Blue lead the Weirdlings in their struggle against the Tyrant and his Compatriots, while the man who calls himself the Traveler walks through the chaos looking for The Door to the Sky.
Ebook includes 2 Bonus Short Stories: “Fickle Reality; or That Explains a Lot” and “Encounter”, a new story about the Worlds Traveler.
Available as an ebook from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple iBookstore, Kobo,Smashwords, and more!
“Curtain Call” by David Michael

“Curtain Call” – A new sci-fi short story by David Michael!
The White Hot Hemisphere Community Theater Company chose Shakespeare’s Hamlet for their first production after the cataclysm–and possibly their last before the end of the world. As a tragedy, as a play about loss and descent into madness, Hamlet seemed an appropriate choice, at least to those players who could still make nonliteral inferences…